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Healthy Ways To Make You a Productive Blogger



There is a popular saying that “Health is Wealth”. This is very true as it is only a blogger whi is healthy that can achieve anything substantial in a day or in a lifetime Online.
Gozkybrain Izuka - My Wap Tutors
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There is every tendency that as a blogger, you forget all about your health in your quest to meet up with targets and traffic expectations. However, it is only when one is truly healthy that he/she can maximize productivity online. Even without falling sick, your productivity online can be affected.

As a blogger or entrepreneur there is a tendency for you to cram too many things into your day.
This can create a strain on you, as you try to meet up with tasks that you set for yourself.
Here are some tips that will help you improve your productivity online.

#1. Create a to- do list the night before.
One of the most effective ways to start your day is to start it the day before. Creating a to-do list the night before gives you a sense of focus before you goto bed and even when you wake up, you are still focused on those tasks. It gives you some drive to get up and go.Look over your agenda for the next day, your appointments, your targets and deadlines, schedule them as you please. Also preparing your work bag makes it easy for you to get up and go in the morning.

#2. Get enough sleep.
Studies have shown that people who sleep from 6.5 to 7 hours a day are the most productive and live long and healthy lives. Not sleeping enough slowsdown your ability to process things quickly, increases your stress levels and dampens your creativity; you might think that a shot of caffeine would remedy it but it doesn’t do that (not all the time). Embrace a bedtime alarm and stick to it.

#3. Utilize your morning.
Researches and studies have shown that people are most productive during the first hours of the day. You might have noticed that you are able to do more in the morning while at work on your blog; but after lunch, your brain just seems to slow down a bit. If you have noticed this then the best time for you to get the most out of your day will be in the morning.
Try tackling the more important tasks in the morning and shift the less important tasks to the latter part of the day. This way, you are able to get more out of your day.

#4. Take breaks.
Taking breaks help the brain cool off a bit. You can decide to take breaks after every task or every hour. Taking a break doesn’t mean you should go out of your room, it just means you should change your position; go to the bathroom, move your legs, check social media. Do something that doesn’t require too much brain activity.

#5.Turn your routine into a fitness plan.
You can incorporate a fitness plan into your work routine.
For example instead of using the elevator use the stairs, take short walks around the house, and instead of getting up and stretching, turn your stretches into squats. Get creative with it. Even while watching a movie, do some exercises during commercial breaks. All these help you stay in great shape for your commute to work every day.

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My name is Gozie Brain Izuka, and to all bloggers out there, i just want to make common sence; i hope i did.
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