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How to Fix your SEO mess and Grow Traffics



If your site is guilty of any or more of the afore-listed reasons on Reasons Your Website Recieves Low Traffics , here are some suggestions on how to fix your SEO mess and grow traffic.

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• Make sure your site offers good value to your audience.
People get on the web because they are looking for something –entertainment, information, transaction, help, etc. You need to state clearly what value your site offers and ensure you deliver on that.

• Create social media fan pages for your site brand.
At the very least, create a Facebook fan page, and sign up with Google+ Communities (this is amazing) and, depending on your location, open an account with Pinterest. You need to promote your site on these platforms. The more fans your pages have, the more people get to see your content when you create them.

• Optimize your Contents.
If you haven’t already, register your site with the Search engine’s Webmaster Tools service. Once registered, follow all the suggestions to remove/fix everything you can. SEO is simple, but could be confusing and takes time. A lot has been written on the subject, so you want to educate yourself as much as you can. If you can afford it, get a professional to optimize your site. It’ll be well worth it.

• Get a blog.
If your website is not a blog, I suggest you add a blog section. The reason is search engines love fresh, regular content. Because you update a blog regularly with new articles, users have a reason to keep coming back to your site and search engines are happy to send more traffic your way.

• A Professional website design.
It could be tough running a website on a tight budget but as soon as you can afford it, I recommend you get a professional to design your site. This would take care of things like page structure (responsive), page load speed, colors, etc. Some designers also offer SEO services so you just focus on promoting your site and worry less about the more technical side of things.

• Give it Some Time.
When you have done everything, give it time. Getting good traffic does not happen overnight. Be prepared to wait it out having done everything to keep your site in good standard.

I compiled this list basically out of my own experience and so it does not cover everything, but it is a good place to start. I have struggled with getting web traffic and I have come out of it successful. I’m sure you will, too, if you follow the suggestions in this article.

My name is Gozie Brain Izuka, and to all bloggers out there, i just want to make common sence; i hope i did.
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