Sarcastic Geek Community

How to shut down another computer from your PC.



So today am going to be showing how to remotely shut down any computer on the planet, but first you need to establish a proper hacking environment. So all you going do is run a batch file so you going get your processor just as flowing because you need a lot bit for your processor to hack and now their is a centre step, if you like to do it the same way I did it. The batch file is in a discretion, it will get your processor just as falling if you can handle it, and you can also do it any other way you like.

So now let be in the actual hacking, so do some preparation here
»cd c:\
»For a directory root sit drive tittle Remote Hackers Console
»color A

Alright so you are going to begin by typing »Shut down -i and small icon will come up, for you to put the computer IP address. You can get an IP by visiting and remember once you have filling in the IP address you press Ok.
»Now when you press OK, you be about to log of Hack hardcore matrix and when you put in some one IP address it will show on the person computer and will shut down  in 120secs.

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