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How to Increase Your Content Ads Earnings



A great Google Adsense Alternative is Content Ad. It shows relevant adverts which that looks like related post widgets. Although getting it approved is really almost as tough as Google Adsense itself, but earning with it is really cool as it can also be used alongside Adsense. Alright lets go to the bussiness of the day.
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How to Improve Your Content ad Earnings.

1. Make sure the widget is on all your domains and pages :
The best place for the widget is usually directly beneath your blog's main content, like related postss.

2. Increase the number of ads/content links :
You may notice certain content appears repeatedly or, in the case of sponsored content, that you don’t think will appeal to your audience. However, this is because the Content ad widget learns what content your audience interacts with and shows it to more users. Try not to limit your content rating or request a different mix of content for this reason.

3. Test different widget placements:
Test the sidebar, below the article, footer, etc ad location. Also, consider mixing your sponsored content in with your internal content rather than showing all internal content first.

4. Too many widgets aren’t always better:
When selecting the number of content units that will appear in the widget, don’t choose more than will fit comfortably into the location you plan to place the widget. Often, a widget with 8 units receives more clicks than one with 10 units since the images can be larger when showing fewer units.

5. Give it time:
The widget may perform differently from day to day for a number of reasons, especially on smaller sites. We recommend letting your widget run on your site for at least a week before evaluating how it performs for you.

Most of these changes can easily be done from the Widget Settings page in your account. These guidelines are a result of extensive analysis and testing across many different sites, but please remember that every site and its users are different, so your results may vary.
RELATED: How to Get Fans to Click on Your Ads

How much Revenue Can I expect to earn?

This depends on how you set up the widget and how your traffic performs. The Content ad widget will optimize the sponsored content it displays through your widget so as to maximize your effective CPM (payout per thousand impressions displayed).
You can see how much you are earning in the real-time reporting dashboard. In addition to this,
Content ad also compliments other advertising you might currently have on your site.
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How and when will I get paid?

Payments are made once per month, provided that you have earned at least $50 in unpaid revenue. You can request your payments via PayPal or Check. Accumulated earnings of under $50 will be paid every 6 months.
READ ALSO: Revenue Hits: The best Adsense Alternative reviewed

My name is Gozie Brain Izuka, and to all bloggers out there, i just want to make common sence; i hope i did.
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