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How to gain more googleplus followers.



Google+ is still a very important part of the social media landscape. Google+ Pages provide businesses with yet another powerful opportunity to connect with fans and customers as well as promote content
to generate new leads.
As additional incentive, Google Plus has been shown to dramatically improve search engine rankings , which, in itself, is a sufficient reason to join the platform.

10 Tips for Attracting New Google+ Followers

1. Create a Goggleplus account

First, you’ll need a Google Plus account. Most
likely you probably already have a Google
account, you just need to sign up for Google+ if
you have not done so already.

2.Complete your G+ profile

While most of us do create a G+ profile, not
many go ahead and complete it by furnishing
all the details like education, address,
employers, adding a profile picture, etc.

3.Populate Your Page With Content First

It's never a good idea to start promoting
something before it's truly "ready," whether it's a new blog, or a new campaign,
Spend some time optimizing your Google+ page and building it up with content and posts before you start promoting your presence. This way, when new visitors land on your page, they'll have a positive experience that engages them.

4. Hashtags

As soon as I learned you can use hashtags on
G+, I implemented them very deliberately,
especially a few key hashtags in my niche I
want to be associated with. Hashtags are
searchable, click one to see. I want Google to
know that I’m an authority in a couple of key
areas, so I use those hashtags repeatedly. I also want others to be able to find me via those hashtags. Periodically, I check what is being posted with
my favorite hashtags by clicking on it or using
the search function. I typically find new people
to follow and new content to enjoy when I do

5.Post regularly

I recommend posting an average of one to two times per day to stay fresh in your followers’ minds. Any more than that can
become bothersome and will cause some people to unfollow or remove you from their circles