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What is the Best Host? Bloggers vs Wordpress



When you want to start a blog, one of the first things you’ll need to decide which is best blogging platform. So in this article i will tell you everything about 2 best blogging platform.
MyWapTutors - blogger vs Wordpress
In this post, i will introduce you about platforms mainly used for the blogging purpose. There are too many blogging platforms available in the market but the two most popular blogging platforms are Blogger and WordPress.


✔ It’s free: One of the most attractive benefits of Blogger is that, unlike WordPress, it’s free. You can monetize your Blogger site and integrate Google Adsense, all with no cost.
✔ It’s easy to use: Blogger is made to be user-friendly. They have a sleek interface with a limited number of pre-made themes to choose from. You can make changes by simply dragging and dropping things, so it’s easy to create a blog that looks great. This can be an important benefit for people who are new to blogging.
✔ Maintenance: Blogger is owned by Google, and Google controls all of the maintenance and technical details. You can keep things simple and know that your website won’t be affected by any technical problems.
✔ Security: Being owned by Google also means that Blogger blogs are protected by Google’s strong security. They will keep blogs secure and automatically back them up.


• Ownership: The main drawback of Blogger is that each blog on it is owned by Google, not by you. They have ultimate control and can choose to revoke your access or remove your blog at any time.
• Less flexibility: Blogger is made to be relatively simple and therefore provides fewer options. You get just 1 GB of free space (although that is enough for many users), and you only have a limited selection of themes to choose from. There are no plugins, so your options to customize your blog are limited.
• It’s difficult to move your site: If you ever want to move your site to a different platform or domain name, it can be very difficult (although possible) to move off of Blogger. In the process, you might lose some readers and search engine rankings.
Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of Blogger is that the blog is never really yours. It is effectively hosted on Google’s website, and thus they could come along one day and decide to shut down your blog.


✔ Ownership: Because a WordPress blog is self-hosted on your own website, you own and have complete control of your blog. Unlike Blogger, nobody like Google can come along and delete your blog, and you can do absolutely anything you want with it.
✔ Flexibility: WordPress comes with a plethora of options, some of which you have to pay for, but many of which are free. There are thousands of themes to choose from, so you can give your blog any look you want. There are also thousands of plugins available, enabling you to add extra features to your site in any configuration you want. In addition, you can set up whatever kinds of ads and monetization you want.
✔ Stable future: WordPress is actually an open source system, meaning that a whole community of users and developers control it. WordPress is also the most popular content management system. Its popularity and widespread use means that it will definitely be sticking around for a long time.


• Cost: Unlike Blogger, a self-hosted WordPress site is not free, although it is not very expensive. First, you’ll need to purchase a domain name (what you’ll use for your url), which usually doesn’t cost much more than $10. You then need to choose somewhere to host your site. You’ll pay for hosting monthly, and depending on how much storage space and traffic you expect to need, hosting usually costs between $3 and $20 a month.
• Harder Set-Up: Because you have so many more options, setting up a WordPress blog is a little harder than a Blogger one, although it’s still relatively straightforward. You’ll need to take some time to choose your domain name, set up hosting, and construct your pages. Themes and plugins can make this fairly easy, however, even for the less technical of us.
• More maintenance work: On WordPress, you are responsible for backing up your site, security, and maintenance. WordPress definitely has its security issues, although with the help of some plugins and a little tweaking you can make your blog pretty secure, providing that you update your site regularly. If you want more information on WordPress security then just Google ‘WordPress security’ and you should be able to find plenty of helpful information.


Both Blogger and WordPress can be strong & best blogging platform.
If you plan to take your blog seriously, and have enough capital and know what you're doing, WordPress is probably the best option for you. It grants you far more control and possibilities for customization. When you’re trying to make money from your blog, this can help a lot. You will also own all of your own content, without concern that your site might be closed by Google outside of your control. For these reasons, WordPress is usually the choice of experienced and professional bloggers.

WordPress also has two blogging platform: (Hosted by & (Self hosted wordpress blog). Self hosted wordpress is the best blogging platform ever.

My name is Gozie Brain Izuka, and to all bloggers out there, i just want to make common sence; i hope i did.