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How to get more traffic on your blog.



Hello Guys, Today I'm going to share a strategy extremely on how to get high traffic on your blog.

traffic on your blog by Daniel Dante

Besides writing really good content, the easiest way to get traffic to your blog is to write something interesting for another blogger who has more traffic than you. It’s funny, when you point this out to many new Web masters by saying, “Hey, why don’t you write up something really
good and send it to a bigger blogger as a guest post?” many of them quickly make up a bunch of excuses. “Well, Uh…I am really busy this weekend”.

If you really want to drive big time traffic to your blog, keywords and SEO have to be a part of your strategy. People get really nervous these days when you suggest doing something in the name of SEO, but
remember, search engine optimization is fine when done right.You get targeted traffic from Google, and users find the information and answers they’re searching on the web
for. The key thing to remember with SEO is all good things in moderation.

The web was not made for static, text-only content! Readers appreciate links, as do other bloggers, site owners and even
search engines. When you reference your own material in context and in a way that's not manipulative (watch out for
over-optimizing by linking to a category, post or page every time a phrase is used - this is almost certainly discounted by
search engines and looks terrible to those who want to read your posts), you potentially draw visitors to your other content AND give search engines a nice signal about those previous posts. Perhaps even more valuable is referencing the content of others. Linking out is a direct line to earning links, social mentions, friendly emails and new relationships with those you reference.

Please comment if you have any contributions or Questions.

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