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How to Make a Page with Many Images Load Fast



You might've not noticed this, but the images have a huge impact on a website's speed. Usually images occupy most of the memory space, causing a web page to load slower than usual. As a result, optimizing images usually saves a lot of memory space and improves the performance of your website. The smaller the size of an image, the lesser memory it uses and thus increases the speed of a website.
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In this article, i'll show you how to optimize images to speed up your blogger site.

How to Save Images Properly?

While saving images, you need to be sure of the image file format and compression. If the right combination is used, you can decrease the image size significantly. On the internet, the most common image file formats are PNG and JPG. Both file extensions has its own specialty, JPG is used when your image has lots of colors and PNG is used for simple images having transparent backgrounds.
For those who are unaware of the differences, JPG applies compression on images, making the size of the image much smaller but slightly compromises on image quality. Whereas the PNG format is uncompressed, providing higher image quality.

How to Optimize Images?

Page load speed matters a lot for Search engine so to guarantee that images don’t hurt your site load time, make sure the image file size is as small as possible but do not compromise on quality. However, keep in mind decreasing the width and height of an image using CSS does not reduce the size as the original image is still loading with the same file size.
