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How to make Google Crawl your contents faster


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Hi, its your lil Girl BrainFavvy and i've got a cool web tutorial i learnt from Gozkybrain. This tutorial helps you crawl your blogs and updates faster on Google and search engine.
BrainFavvy Izuka
There are plenty of reasons why you’ld want Google bot to recrawl your website ahead of schedule. To force recrawls, SEOs typically use tactics like re-submitting XML sitemaps, or using a free ping service like Seesmic Ping (formerly or Ping-O-Matic to try coax a crawl, or firing a bunch of social bookmarking links at the site.

Nice enough but Trouble is, these tactics are pretty much hit or miss.
Good news is, there’s a better, more reliable way to get Google bot to recrawl your site ahead of your standard crawl rate, and it’s 100 percent Google-endorsed!
Today, exclusively on MyWapTutors, BrainFavvy is introducing “Submit URL to Index”.

Last year, Google updated “Fetch as Googlebot” in Webmaster Tools (WMT) with a new feature, called “Submit URL to Index,” which allows you to submit new and updated URLs that Google themselves say they “ will usually crawl within a day or less.“For some reason, this addition to WMT got very little fan-fare in the SEO sphere, and it should have been a much bigger deal than it was.
Search marketers should know that Submit URL to Index comes as advertised, and is very effective in forcing a Google recrawl and yielding almost immediate indexing results.


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CREDITS: BrainFavvy Izuka