Sarcastic Geek Community

How to Find a Working Proxy for Etisalat SocialMe



Finding a good SocialMe IP can be easily done than said.
"I think it's better to show people how to fish instead of giving them fish".
I'm tired of receiving mails, messages and others relating to this ETISALAT SocialMe.
I want to make you understand something, There is a slight difference between a PROXY and an IP.

IP(Internet Protocol):

These are numerical address assigned to us by our ISP, they are used in detecting our locations, track our online activities and so on..


When those IP's are used to hide our locations, they are known as PROXY. Their plural form is PROXIES. So do not mistake IP for PROXY and PROXY FOR IP.
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Back to Etisalat. In the case of ETISALAT, we don't want them to monitor our activities ie we want to access the internet without restrictions. This phenomenon is called "anonymity".
We need Live, working HTTP proxies with High anonymity.


First Search incloak proxylist on Goohle. Note that these proxylist are updates every second.
Tick On HTTP and Click ON APPLY.
Wait for the page to reload, you would get a lot of proxies. Note that not all those proxies would work.
You can also try other Proxy sites like HIDEMYASS etc..
Feel free to Comment if you encountered difficulties.

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