Sarcastic Geek Community

Etisalat Unlimited Free Browsing Social Me Rocking



many people didn't enjoy the 4gb cheat, that says dial *8186*1# .

it worked for people, but it dint work for me, so no need posting it

3 days ago
Etisalat social me is now the best
alternative for those that are
looking for cheapest unlimited
browsing on their devices. It's
almost a week now since MTN
blocked music plus server, but we
are still looking for a way out to
this issue.


We notice that a lot of people are
now off and can not browse or
download on their devices while
some are managing WhatsApp plan
to stay up to date to any new trick
going round in our groups.
Today I have some alternatives to
MTN Music plus which is not new
to us, Etisalat Social Me Sub is
still active and working smoothly
with an average speed of about

These time around I will not talk
about Etisalat Chat Pak Sub for
now because a lot of users says it
has an average speed of 50kb/s for
those that have strong network in
thier area which is very poor and
waste of money.

For those that will go for Etisalat
Social Me Below Are The

Subscription Codes:

Dial *200*3*4*2*1*1#

Dial *200*3*4*2*2*1#

Note: Kindly Dial *343*5*0# to
option out any smart pak plan
before subscribing for social me
After you successfully subscribe set
your Psiphon handler as shown

Handler Settings

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