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How can i get free traffics? Get Answers.



Getting traffic for your blog is a challenging task, especially if your blog is a new one, unless you’re prepared to spend money on advertisement. Knowing that you’re the only reader of your blog is somehow heart breaking and makes you wanna give up.
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The truth is that, you can never make a dime from a blog without traffic. But before you think of giving up, there are actually ways you can get traffic on your blog for free. Yes free! And legally of course.
In this post, I’ll be showing you 10 free ways to get more traffic to your blog. Read on.

1. Site optimization.

Traffic from search engines are the best. If done properly, site optimization will work wonder on your blog. Though optimizing your blog for search engines is one of the hardest method of getting free traffic, but making use of plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast (only WordPress users). That’s one of the advantages of using WordPress for blogging.

2. Fresh and valuable contents.

According to Google, “keep it fresh and relevant”. People will check back on your blog if they enjoy your posts to see if you published a new post. That is why you must always update your blog. If they frequently check you, but the last post is still the same, they may never come back again.
To make this system work for you, you should regularly give your readers interesting and valuable content.

3. Free Product or service offering.

People love free stuff. You can give out free eBooks or host a giveaway. This has been one of the effective ways to get free traffic. It will bring you loyal visitors and increaseyour traffic if you do it regularly. If you are offering a free eBook, it must be related to your niche else it won’t work.

4. Posting on Forums.

Most forums allow signature, if you know what I mean. You can use this to your advantage by placing a link back to your blog. With this style you can build a big list of followings because if you solve one of the query on the web people have atendency to click on the URL in your signature to know more about you and hence can know about your website and start following you.
Almost all blog owners on NairaLand uses this method.

5. Guest posting on high traffic blogs.

If you give one of the best content to others it can make your website rank go up as it not only drives traffic towards your website but also establishes you as a serious folk in Blogging arena. Make sure you target a high ranking blog with massive traffic in your niche.

6. Responsiveness.

Your blog should be mobile friendly to give easy access to mobile users. The web is going mobile. More and more people browse the web with their phone. If your blog is not responsive, you are sending visitors and your prospective customers away.

7. Social Media.

If all you do with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the likes is chatting and viewing pictures, then you’re wasting your time. Or you only use YouTube for watching and downloading videos, it will never benefit you. Make good use of your time today and start promoting your blog on social media.

8. Commenting on other blogs.

Find popular blogs in your niche and post relevant and helpful comments on the posts. But instead of linking your name to your blog’s homepage, link to your post on related content. This way when they click through, they are immediately on a highly relevant page that they are interested in. And because they read your comment, which was useful and unique, they already think of you as an authority.

9. Respond to comments of your posts.

Person who is writing a comment on your website is spending some time with your website and hence is sharing experience, appreciate people for thoughts and docomment back also you can visit their websites and mark few comments. Be honest while responding on your website or writing comment on others website to make sure you are not ending up on people’s spams.

10. Link to other blogs.

Link to other bloggers in your post. That’s really all there is to it. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is never linking out. Link out to others in your posts and they will take notice of you, most of them will tweet about your post at the very least. Some of them will even link back to you. This is a easy and free way to get traffic.
Just don’t forget about your readers and make sure that the links are relevant.

Get the facts, Get the right informations and share what you know.