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How to Find Ideas to Write articles that can Make Money Online



The best way to build natural backlinks is to produce great content and properly promote it. For that, brainstorming ideas for blogging that have the potential to drive high-quality backlinks is essential.
This post 'll expose you to many things, in this post;
* I will explain to you how to find ideas that drive you high traffic and backlinks.

* I' ll also explain to you how to write an article that is qualified to make money online.

Let’s get started.
How to find ideas to write a blog that can.make money online - My Wap Tutors

How to write an Article that can make money online.

1. Get ideas from Quora:

It’s a goldmine to find ideas for blogging. Leveraging it for building your blog and finding inspirations, can do wonders.
Let me unveil you the dirty little secret of finding post ideas that drive backlinks to your site and qualifies a blog to make money online.
Head over to Quora.
There, search for the topic of your interest.
Use Quora to find blog post idea - My Wap Tutors

In the above example, I searched for the topic ‘content marketing ’.
There, I searched for the questions that have quite a decent number of followers.
If a question has good followers, that means it is a common question.
There’s the thing.
If you create content on the same topic, you’ll get great readership. Moreover, you may get potential backlinks if you present the topic in a unique way.
When you create content on the topic you find in Quora, I advise you to answer the original question along with a link back to your site.
By this, you’ll get additional targeted traffic from visitors and as well as the followers of the questions.
When targeted traffic comes to your blog, you’ll boost your social shares , and you may attract good backlinks.
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2. Use the power of Google search:

Google is the best friend of yours to help you find the best topic ideas.
You may ask me – “What should I search for? I am dry”.
Here’s the trick.
Research after research, it is found that following are the types of content that are shared and linked to most of the times.
* Infographics
* Ultimate guides
* List posts
* Case studies
Now you know what.
Before implementing this strategy, I advise you to install Ahrefs Toolbar in your browser. Ahrefs has the largest database of backlinks. The toolbar displays the number of backlinks the search results have.
I’ll get you clear. Keep reading.
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2.1. Find infographics ideas:
Search Google for,
Your keyword + “Infographic”
It returns you all the top infographics in your niche. Most of the top results have a good amount of backlinks.

Use Infographics - My Wap Tutors

As I said earlier, for accurate results, as you can see in the above screenshot, you need to activate the Ahrefs toolbar. It displays the number of backlinks beneath the search results.
You can also combine multiple keywords for more results.
Like, if you are in blogging and SEO niche you may need to search for the term,
Blogging OR SEO + “Infographic”
It returns all the pages that have infographics either related to blogging or SEO.
Like this, by adding keywords, you can expand the number of potential post ideas you get. Just join the keywords with the operator ‘OR ’.

2.2. Ultimate guides:
Similarly, ultimate guides are the link magnets. They attract great backlinks if promoted properly.
If you are determined to create ultimate or complete guides in your niche, you need some ideas.
Here’s how to use Google search for generating ideas for your ultimate guide.

Use Ultimate Guide - My Wap Tutors

As you can see in the above screenshot, just search for a keyword.
Keyword1 OR Keyword2 + “ultimate guide”
You can also replace the word ultimate with complete, definitive, etc.
Just scan the top results. Examine the results that have good backlinks. Come up with a unique idea.
Create a great blog post that’s the best in class. Promote it properly and get backlinks.
Isn’t it simple?

2.3. List posts
Use List Post - My Wap Tutors

As you can see in the above screenshot, you’ve to just search for the keyword list along with your keywords. Just combine the search operators to find the desired results.
I’ve used the asterisk (*) symbol, it is a wildcard character that matches any text before the word “list ”.
With this method, you can find all the top performing list posts in your niche. Just examine the results. Pick the topic that is driving good backlinks and is unique. Start building a list on the topic.
Make sure you keep the quality of your list post higher than that of the original source. By this, you can make sure that you attract good backlinks and rank higher in search results.

2.4. Case Studies:
Just search for the case studies in your niche following the same method I described above.
Below is the example.

Use Case Study Search - My Wap Tutors

Just search,
Keyword1 OR Keyword2 + “case study”
Now activate the Ahrefs toolbar. Now get a unique idea for your case study.
It’s as simple as that.
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3. Publish Interviews and Roundups:

Interview influences in your niche. It will drive lots of traffic and some potential backlinks to your site and also would get a high bid if submitted to freelancing sites that pay you for blogging.
Let me give you an example.

An interview list - My Wap Tutors

Here’s a screenshot from the blog of Erik Emanuelli.
He lists all the interviews of him on the web on his about page.
That means, if you interview him, you’ll get a backlink.
It’s simple as that.
Like this, you need to learn the art of interviewing people. It drives you traffic and some backlinks to your site.
You may also try including more people in the roundups. By this, you increase the chances of getting backlinks.
When you run out of ideas, the best idea is to reach out influential bloggers and marketers, publish interviews or roundups, an